etsy, funky print studio story, letterpress, letterpress business cards

FPS is currently working on: Funky Box Studio letterpress business cards

Even though our upcoming summer holiday is all i can think about, we’re still working hard on our Funky Box Studio letterpress business cards… among other things. I did mention before that we’re also working on a couple of custom letterpress business cards order (they’re so minimalist you can’t help falling in love with them! Aaaand one of the two is my own creation! *feeling proud*) and also a new letterpress tags order (since we’re using the card stock you haven’t really seen in our photos yet, i’m really excited to complete this project!). Nevertheless, i can only show you photos of our own Funky Box Studio letterpress business cards.

We’ve opened FBS more than 2 years ago, but i have been struggling to find a font and logo that i really liked. I was in a constant searching process and i wasn’t happy with any of the outcomes. Well finally, 2 years and 400 sales later, yours truly is completely happy with FBS’s logo and font design! Yeah, it only took me this much… and i still have to choose the card stock!

Funky Box Studio letterpress business cards Funky Box Studio letterpress business cards Funky Box Studio letterpress business cards Funky Box Studio letterpress business cardsYep, i am completely satisfied with our new design. I can’t wait to show you photos from the printing process! That’s gonna be fun since we’ll also have 2 ink colors here. Playing with colors again!

In the mean time, don’t forget about our Christmas in July letterpress promotion! Free shipping for any order of letterpress printed items is definitely something you should take advantage of because finally, it doesn’t matter where you’re from! We’ll take care of all the shipping issues! We’d also highly appreciate it if you helped us spread the word! *bows*

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!

PS: Why do i like those random inserts like *bows*, *feeling proud* so much? I don’t even use them on Facebook!


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card stock boxes
etsy, funky box studio, inspiration, letterpress

Funky Box Studio’s card stock boxes transformed!

The title of this post is a bit dramatic, but not so far from the truth actually. I’ll show you how our card stock boxes get transformed once they reach our clients.

When i introduced the new small jewelry boxes with lid, i also showed you several photos of them being used by some of our clients. These photos can actually also serve as packaging inspiration, so i thought i’d post more of these.

A few months after we opened Funky Box Studio, a client bought a bunch of our medium size gift boxes and at the time she had told me she intended to transform them into mini suitcases. I would have never imagined such a cool result!

card stock boxes

Another cool project our square card stock boxes were a part of is them being used as personalized packaging for some cute cork coasters. The gift boxes were hand printed by our client and we were absolutely in love with how they turned out! You can check our crafty client’s website over here.

card stock boxes card stock boxes

The final “packaging project” i’m presenting today is one that i’m very fond of! Here’s Saloukee Jewellery‘s versions of our card stock boxes and gift bags!

card stock boxes card stock boxes 4

I hope these inspiration photos are useful and there will be more in the future! If you’re also one of FBS’s clients and you’d like to share your updated versions of our boxes, please send us a mail at

In the mean time, don’t forget about our Christmas in July letterpress promotion! Time is running out and i must say, we’re already working on a bunch of custom letterpress tags and 2 different custom letterpress business cards orders thanks to this promotion of ours. Free shipping for a whole month! It doesn’t matter where you are, if you’re looking o get letterpress printed wedding invitations, RSVP’s, save the date cards, business cards, calling cards, tags, coasters or whatever other piece of letterpress printed stationery, don’t hesitate and ask away! You can send us a mail at or through our etsy shop at

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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seaside mood board
etsy, inspiration

Seaside mood board inspiration: Hello, sunny July! Please, be good!

Time flies so fast! It seems like only yesterday i was creating the floral mood board for June, but now here i am with the seaside mood board for July! Be it as it may, i’m still extremely excited for my upcoming summer holiday. It’s getting nearer and nearer! So as we’re preparing and making plans for our holiday in the sunny Greece, it was necessary to put together some inspirational mood boards of sandy beaches and crystal blue waters!

Getting back to reality just a tick, we’re still working hard for both our letterpress printing shop and our boxes and packaging one. I’ll soon give some updates on some other successfully completed letterpress projects as well as the current ones we’re working on. Also, i’ll be praying to the photography gods to help me take some good photos of the bunch of new boxes we got. In the mean time, don’t forget about our Christmas in July Free Shipping letterpress offer! Take this opportunity to stock up on your letterpress printed stationery no matter where you are! Shipping is no longer a problem!

“I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air.” (Bram Stoker, “Dracula”)

seaside mood boardseaside mood boardseaside mood boardSource: 1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6, 7, 8 + Hello July photo – personal photos)

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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christmas in july letterpress
funky print studio story, letterpress, letterpress business cards, letterpress cards, letterpress save the dates cards, letterpress stationery, letterpress tags, letterpress wedding invitations

Christmas in July letterpress promotion – free shipping!

Our Christmas in July letterpress promotion is already available on FPS! We thought a lot about a good promo offer for this Christmas in July and there’s really nothing like a “free shipping” promotion.

christmas in july letterpress

Shipping and mainly shipping fees are always a big problem, especially since we mostly sell abroad. We’ve even had times when the shipping fees were higher than our items’ prices! We’re always searching for the best shipping options, but we can only do so much. Well this time around, a whole month of Free Shipping for our Christmas in July letterpress promotion is the absolute best option!

Take this opportunity to stock up on your letterpress business cards and tags, coasters and stationery! If you’re preparing for your wedding, this is the best time to be thinking of your letterpress wedding set (letterpress invitations, envelopes, RSVP cards, menus, accommodation cards etc.) as you won’t have to worry about shipping fees!

As i was saying above, our Christmas in July letterpress promotion is already active, so go ahead and throw us a challenge! We also have a bunch of ink colors to choose from (ranging from deep black, various blue shades, green, red, yellow, magenta, orange, brown, even the metallic copper-gold i was showing you last time), so you can definitely use your imagination with this one!

If you like our Christmas in July letterpress promotion, please share the news and spread the word! Thank you!

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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