letterpress cards
etsy, funky box studio, funky print studio story, letterpress, rant

Funky Studio updates. What have we been doing lately?

It was about time i put together a Funky Studio updates post. Even though i promised myself i’d blog as much as possible this year, we’re quite busy lately. I’m over the top happy to say that our Free Shipping letterpress in February promotion has a lot to do with our busy schedule.

funky studio updatesWe’re currently working on a bunch of different letterpress projects and each one has something special: lovely letterpress wedding invitations with two ink colors, round letterpress business cards, custom designs for some business cards and on top of all these, we’re also making about 1000 different boxes for our packaging shop. All in all, we’re working hard, so we definitely needed a Funky Studio updates post!

Moreover, we’re also preparing for something big: expanding our little studio’s activity again! We first began with our boxes and paper supplies, were thrilled to throw ourselves into the letterpress world and now, finally, the time has come for the ultimate upgrade: hot foil printing! Although we haven’t officially introduced hot foil as part of our services yet, we’ve already had our first project using this kind of printing and we’re ecstatic! We’re also reminded of our letterpress beginnings: just like it happened now, we took on a letterpress project before even opening our website or shop! Well, stay tuned! Hot foil printing will soon be available in our shop, even though, of course, we can already take orders, so please contact us at office@funkyprintstudio.com if you’d be interested!

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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letterpress business cards with edge painting
etsy, funky print studio story, letterpress, letterpress business cards, letterpress calling cards, letterpress cards, letterpress stationery

[Behind the scenes] Letterpress business cards with edge painting for Funky Box Studio

Even though it’s been quite some time since we made these letterpress business cards with edge painting for our boxes and packaging shop, and also announced that we were working on them, i couldn’t really move on to something else before having a proper presentation for them.

At some point i was talking about how each project still brings something new for us. Well this time around, it was definitely the edge painting process. Since it was something we really wanted to try, we figured we should first have our own letterpress business cards with edge painting. It was quite thrilling (for me, of course! i’m the emotional one in our studio!), but we so nailed it! Edge painting is quite a delicate process and it is absolutely critical that you get it right on the very first try. Otherwise, you have to reprint the cards all over again. Basically, do everything all over. I think i’ll have a separate post about this as there’s much to talk about!

Well guess what? Right after our experience, we had two projects where we were asked for edge painting! It’s actually quite a nice feeling to be able to tell your client “Yes, i can do that!” The first project also had black edge painting; the second one, however, was very tricky from several points of view, not just the orange edge painting. Will definitely talk about this soon!

Below you’ll see a photo of the business cards before the edge painting, then some photos taken during the edge painting process (it’s really not as easy as it might seem!), then our neighbors keeping a sharp eye on us while we were edge painting and finally the finished product: our letterpress business cards with edge painting!

Here are the short technical details for our business cards with edge painting:

  • 450gsm Snow White card stock, one side printing, 9 x 5 cm, 2 ink colors – black ink and magenta, black edge painting

letterpress business cards

Our letterpress business cards before edge painting

edge painting process

Edge painting process

edge painting process

edge painting process

Our neighbors keeping a sharp eye on us: "Hey, let's see what they're doing there!"

Our neighbors keeping a sharp eye on us: “Hey, let’s see what they’re doing there!”

"Are you kidding me? I could do that blindfolded!"

“Are you kidding me? I could do that blindfolded!”

"Hey, you missed a spot there!"

“Hey, you missed a spot there!”

"That's a wrap! Everybody take 5!"

“That’s a wrap! Everybody take 5!”

letterpress business cards with edge painting

Our letterpress business cards with edge painting

letterpress business cards with edge painting

letterpress business cards with edge painting

letterpress business cards with edge painting letterpress business cards with edge paintingThe Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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hello october
etsy, inspiration

October mood board inspiration. Hello, spooky October! Please, be good!

My October mood board inspiration is a bit on the dark, bleak, gloomy side. I’m pretty sure November will be even more so, but i’m getting a bit ahead of myself here.

hello october(source)

I kind of started posting these mood boards at the beginning of each month. They pretty much represent how i see and how i feel each month. Well i have to say, despite the fact that autumn and these autumn months are not particularly my favorite, they are, however, very productive. Procrastination is long gone now and we’re on a full-scale working spree, just as i thought it would happen.

Our Funky Box Studio, our boxes and packaging supplies shop, is doing better and better (it’s just the beginning of the month, but we’ve already received 7 etsy orders and several more through direct mail. The same goes for Funky Print Studio, our letterpress printing shop. We’ve taken on a few very interesting projects that i actually can’t wait to talk about! We played with bold ink colors, we did some edge painting and we turned some letterpress cards into stickers!

My October mood board, however, doesn’t really share my enthusiasm over these things. And yet, the weather is a lot warmer for this time of year than it should be! And i’m thankful for that.

I’ve also set some major goals for October:

  • website makeover; i’ll have this website looking top notch. This must be done!
  • post as many of the projects we’ve already completed as possible. I even have the photos for them, so it should be easy…. right?
  • work on new designs for business cards and invitations
  • photograph and have up on etsy the bunch of new boxes we made.

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. (Roger Miller)

october mood boardoctober mood board

Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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letterpress hang tags for Lulu & Belle
behind the scenes, etsy, funky print studio story, letterpress, letterpress cards, letterpress stationery, letterpress tags

[Behind the scenes] Custom letterpress hang tags for Lulu & Belle

We printed the letterpress hang tags for Lulu & Belle back in August right after we came back from our vacation. It was definitely a great project to transition back in to working mode!

Since we’re still quite at the beginning of our letterpress journey, each project still brings something new and exciting. This time around, we got to use our gold – copper – light brown ink that sparkles in the sunlight and i’m totally in love with! Also, there was a bit of die-cutting and hole punching as well so that we’d get beautiful and elegant letterpress hang tags to match the style of Lulu & Belle. Moreover, we didn’t use the standard 450gsm card stock, but even thicker 600gsm one. It was a real pleasure working on this project and i was really happy to find that the tags were very well liked!

Here are the short technical details for the custom letterpress hang tags for Lulu & Belle:

  • 600gsm duplexed Snow White card stock, one side printing, 2 x 6 cm, one ink color – gold / copper / light brown, die cutting (rounded corners), hole punching
letterpress hang tags for Lulu & Belle
Letterpress hang tags for Lulu & Belle. Photo by Lulu & Belle
letterpress tags
Letterpress hang tags for Lulu & Belle. Photo by Lulu & Belle
letterpress tags
Letterpress hang tags for Lulu & Belle. Photo by Lulu & Belle

letterpress hang tags for Lulu & Belleletterpress hang tags for Lulu & Belleletterpress tags

I was even happier when i received the first three photos with the letterpress tags actually being used alongside the wonderful Lulu & Belle jewelry. Thank you so much, Sandra!

Lulu & Belle is the place to go when searching for exquisite vintage jewelry. They search the world trying to find the best pieces out there and they restore them to their former glory so that they can be worn and cherished once again. You’ll surely find the perfect gifts for vintage jewelry enthusiasts, but also pieces that can be worn during very special occasions. Check out their website and get ready to be amazed!

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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