mint edge painting
etsy, funky print studio story, letterpress, letterpress business cards, letterpress calling cards, letterpress cards, letterpress stationery, pantone

Letterpress business cards with edge painting

It sure has been a while, but just like last time, we’re still very busy (maybe even busier!). That’s definitely a good thing, but it doesn’t leave me with enough time to update the blog. However, i do my best to continue posting live updates on our Instagram so you can see what we’re working on!

There have been many projects of letterpress business cards with edge painting we’ve been working on lately. I’m really fond of them, so i’ve decided to talk about them today.

letterpress business cards with edge painting
The edge coloring is the last and riskiest process. After the cards are printed and cut we finally go forward with the edge painting. It is a very delicate process and one little mistake could ruin everything and we’d have to reprint the project all over again. This is a process that is a lot more complicated than it seems.

letterpress business cards with edge paintingWe can pretty much match most of the Pantone colors we use for letterpress printing with the ones we use for edge painting (oh no, they’re not the same!). We received great feedback about them so far and we’re really happy about it! Hopefully we’ll work on many other projects involving edge painting! They kind of turned into my favorite type of business cards.

gold edge painting silver edge painting mint edge paintingmint edge painting black edge paintingorange edge paintingDefinitely something worth trying in order to give your letterpress or hot foil business cards that extra something to get the attention.
The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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