february mood board
etsy, inspiration

February mood board. Hello, romantic February! Please, be good!

Even though they say this is the month of love, my February mood board doesn’t really reflect that. Actually i don’t really like this month much. I always seem to catch a cold in February and this time is no different.

february mood board(source)

Well, i may not like the month, but i’m doing my very best to keep active and take on new challenges. There’s also the “Free shipping letterpress” promotion for this month, so i’m making sure the cold weather doesn’t get me down. Although i admit i’d much rather just stay inside, drink hot cocoa with lots of cream and read a bunch of books. That’s definitely my view on February. We can’t always get what we want, right? Therefore, i get on to the second best things: work on both the letterpress shop and the packaging shop, make plans, organize stuff.

I tend to not drink enough water, which is not good, so i got one of those little phone apps to remind me to drink. It may sound stupid, but it does the trick for me. I’ve started a couple of days before and so far so good.

Then, today i’ll start a 30 Days workout challenge. This is actually also a phone app, so i guess i’m finally starting to realize the benefits of phone apps? Anyway, i’ll get back with updates on this one, but i’m pretty confident it will be ok. Or maybe i just got a boost of confidence altogether since i just turned 30? Hmmm…. it might be…

Oh well, my February mood board is kinda like this…

february mood board

february mood boardSource: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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artist interview, partners, rant, Uncategorized, wednesday wishes

Wednesday Wishes. New Year’s resolutions

It was definitely time to put together a New Year’s resolutions post. I have so many plans for this year, both major and little things as well! Really, there’s a very wide range here: from buying hand sanitizer to getting a house! Now that’s a fair idea of the wide range of goals i was talking about.

wednesdayOh well, let’s see if we can put together a list:

* Turn hobby into actual business. I don’t think this needs further explaining. It’s going to be a dream come true!

* Get a house. Another “dream come true” thing.

* Visit more of Romania. Though it’s going to be difficult because of the other major goals, but hey? Who knows? It might just work out.

* Get an eye surgery. Oh yeah, my sight is pretty bad, but surgery is possible, so i want to give it a try.

* Get braces put on. As it turns out, my eyes aren’t the only bad thing about me. Also, it’s never too late for braces. Basically, if you want something, go for it!

* Create wedding sets designs, have samples made, get them photographed and listed. I have so many ideas, but so little time. Also, it’s quite difficult and expensive too to have letterpress samples made. But it must be done either way.

* I kind of gave up on the number of sales goal because more and more sales are coming directly through mail and i can’t keep up. As for the letterpress shop, actually most of the sales are done through mail. So basically what i’m trying to say here is that i need to organize the sales somehow.

* Get hand sanitizer and thermal water. I so need these!

* Get better at taking photos. I’m so struggling with this! I even considered having a professional take photos for my items, but it’s driving me crazy that i can’t, so i keep trying…

* Get back into sports. Last year i did great at this, so i must pick it up again. Sports combined with a mere 10 minutes round of meditation. I never thought it would do me so much good!

* Read more. There are soooo many books i want to read and my new toy makes it possible for me to have access to all of them. I have a new Kindle and i love it! Currently reading: “The Da Vinci code”.

* Cook more. I think i always write this as part of my goals. The lack of free time is really killing me, but i’m doing my best here.

* Stop taking everything to heart. This has been my problem for as long as i can remember. I let stupid things (and people) get me down. Must stop caring so much.

* Celebrate birthdays. I have a problem remembering birthdays; i would really forget my own if other people didn’t remind me of it.

Weeeell maybe i should stop for now. I think there are a mot more, but there’s always next Wednesday, right? That’s about it with my New Year’s resolutions for this Wednesday.

Until then, take care!!

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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heidelberg windmill
funky print studio story, rant

Funky Print Studio is back! New Year, makeover, goals, activity

Happy New Year!! I guess it’s not too late to say it, right? After quite a long time, we’re finally back with updates here as well. There were so many things that happened since the last time i posted!

heidelberg windmillFirst things first: website makeover!

Last time i was talking about the plans for a complete makeover of this blog / website. Well it’s happening all right! It’s still a work in progress, but the major parts are done: got the new theme installed and i must send a special “thank you” to the lovely person and fellow etsian who helped me out and got the theme from, Sophie of English Snow Designs. I wholeheartedly recommend her if you’re looking for a simple and stylish theme for your blog!

I’m still working on Funky Print Studios logo as i keep having these thoughts: “Oh, i could change that!” or “Oh, that has to be replaced!” or “Oh, i don’t like how this looks!” Still, it’s coming together nicely and with a few more tweaks, i’ll get to the final form.

I have a bunch of updates to add at the Portfolio section and that will take some time. But we’ll get there.

Now let’s talk a bit about the sudden absence from blogging. Initially it was because of the whole makeover thing. Then, because the last 3 months of the year were extremely busy! Like really really really busy! We worked on a bunch of letterpress projects that i can’t wait to share, but we also had thousands (literally) of boxes to make and ship. We actually spent more time in the studio than at home! Don’t get me wrong, this is not me complaining, but actually me being proud of our little shops getting more customers. It’s an incredible feeling and i’m humbly thankful.

Our winter vacation was sooo needed. Work is good, but remember to rest every once in a while, yeah? And rest we did. Well now we are fully recharged and ready to get back to work!

I have some major goals for 2016, but the one i want to focus most on is making the most of it. Making the most of each day. That may have something to do with the fact that this is my 30th year on this Earth! :)

2016, please be good!

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The Funky Studio team is back… Bye-bye, procrastination!

The Funky Studio team is back… and not so much? Yes, we’ve been back for a couple of weeks, but catching up with everything took a lot more than i thought. Then, once we achieved that, it was time for some more procrastination. Sometimes, procrastination is good. Just sometimes. But it’s finally time to pick up where we left off.

procrastinationMy last Wednesday Wishes post was all about the summer mode i was in and planning all the fun for our holiday. I must say, i am proud to have achieved many of the things i wrote there regarding the vacation. It was a lot of fun, i ate the best food of my life and i also got a chance to show that i’m becoming more opinionated (as one of the wishes stated). I also finally mustered up the courage to take on another huge thing on one of my WW lists: i’m going to a gym 3 times a week. Yes, it is a huge thing!

Even though we haven’t actually been active either on our shops or here, that doesn’t really mean we didn’t work at all. We worked on a couple of letterpress projects that i’m actually really happy about and also a bunch of boxes. We also have several new ones that i can’t wait to have up for sale in our shop!

Well that’s about it. That’s what we’ve been doing since we got back from our vacation. Hopefully we’ll begin to be as active as we used to be before that. Bye-bye, procrastination!

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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