round letterpress business cards
behind the scenes, etsy, funky print studio story, letterpress, letterpress business cards, letterpress calling cards, letterpress cards, letterpress stationery, letterpress tags, letterpress wedding invitations, pantone

Letterpress wedding invitations, business cards, custom designs & life lately

There are a lot (looooot!) of things going on at our end lately, so obviously, there’s no more time to update this blog as often as i’d want to. That’s why i kinda took it to Instagram for “live updates”. It’s a lot easier than to plan a whole blog post. And i get to share with you the latest projects we’re working on while we’re actually working on them!

There were so many great projects we took on lately that i’m not sure how i’m going to write a separate blog post for each one… Therefore, this one will be a general introduction for several of them.

We worked on some custom bow tie boxes that we hot foil printed on! This was actually the first hot foil printing project we took and they turned out so cute!! We made some samples with the foil we had available at the time, so we used silver, gold, copper, matte red and a dark brown.

hot foil boxesSince then we actually took on several other hot foil projects and i’m so very excited about this! They turn out so beautiful and elegant that i decided to change my own business cards and make them entirely hot foil!

Then we worked on a set of business cards and tags and we used a unique ink color here; very delicate and subtle and incredibly difficult to recreate actually! :)

letterpress business cards and tagsletterpress business cards and tagsThe above is Gemma’s photo and you can see pictures of her amazing work over here.

We actually hand mixed the ink so that it would get to the hue she was after and we were thrilled that she was happy with the result!

Then we worked on a couple of round business cards and i’m starting to like them more and more (actually we just took on another project involving round business cards!).

round letterpress business cardsround letterpress business cardsI was a bit nervous when we worked on the Arisdot letterpress project. Usually letterpress doesn’t work well with large portions of pressed paper, but they actually turned out great! Not only that, but we took on another similar project with pressed background and that one too turned out great!

After that we took on a custom design project that i totally loved and we were praised for!

custom letterpress business cardsFinally, the last project i’ll introduce to you here is a custom design letterpress wedding invitation. Well actually it’s an engagement invitation to be more precise.

letterpress wedding invitationThese are only a few of the projects we worked on lately, but there are so many others i have to talk about! I decided i have to have a separate blog post for all the hot foil projects we did and another one for all the projects involving edge painting. I absolutely love edge painting!

Hopefully i’ll be able to update this more often!
The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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letterpress wedding set
behind the scenes, etsy, funky print studio story, letterpress, letterpress cards, letterpress save the dates cards, letterpress stationery, letterpress wedding invitations

[Behind the scenes] Letterpress wedding set in navy blue

The letterpress wedding set we created for Bronwyn & D-Jei was the very first one we ever created and it was a very fun project to work on. Every time we work on a wedding set it feels very special; we’re thankful that people choose us to play a part in their most important event of their lives. I must admit, it’s also a bit more burdensome on some level especially because of the extremely personal implications. That’s probably also why being praised for these projects feel so much more rewarding!

letterpress wedding setWe first started with the letterpress save the date cards a while back. We came up with a few different designs and our lovely client decided on the one you can see in the photos. Later on, we created the wedding invitations and ceremony invitations to match the previously made save the dates. However, this time, we printed the invitations in navy blue ink, adding matching navy blue envelopes. In addition, we personalized the envelopes with the bride & groom’s names in blind impression. We ended up with a cohesive, simple, but modern and sharp letterpress wedding set that we’re quite proud of! The printing process went smoothly as well (yes, that’s a very big deal actually! On another project we ended up redoing the polymer plate several times before printing! Ugh!)

Here are the short technical details for our letterpress wedding set:

  • Save the date cards – 450gsm Snow White card stock, one side printing, 9 x 5 cm, one ink color – black
  • Ceremony invitations – 450gsm Snow White card stock, one side printing, 9 x 5 cm, one ink color – navy blue
  • Wedding invitations – 450gsm Snow White card stock, one side printing, 10 x 15cm, one ink color – navy blue
  • Custom envelopes – navy blue textured paper, 12 x 17cm, blind impression

letterpress wedding setletterpress wedding invitations blind impression envelopes letterpress wedding set navy blue letterpress wedding invitationsThe Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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Funky Studio updates. What have we been doing lately?

It was about time i put together a Funky Studio updates post. Even though i promised myself i’d blog as much as possible this year, we’re quite busy lately. I’m over the top happy to say that our Free Shipping letterpress in February promotion has a lot to do with our busy schedule.

funky studio updatesWe’re currently working on a bunch of different letterpress projects and each one has something special: lovely letterpress wedding invitations with two ink colors, round letterpress business cards, custom designs for some business cards and on top of all these, we’re also making about 1000 different boxes for our packaging shop. All in all, we’re working hard, so we definitely needed a Funky Studio updates post!

Moreover, we’re also preparing for something big: expanding our little studio’s activity again! We first began with our boxes and paper supplies, were thrilled to throw ourselves into the letterpress world and now, finally, the time has come for the ultimate upgrade: hot foil printing! Although we haven’t officially introduced hot foil as part of our services yet, we’ve already had our first project using this kind of printing and we’re ecstatic! We’re also reminded of our letterpress beginnings: just like it happened now, we took on a letterpress project before even opening our website or shop! Well, stay tuned! Hot foil printing will soon be available in our shop, even though, of course, we can already take orders, so please contact us at if you’d be interested!

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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christmas in july letterpress
funky print studio story, letterpress, letterpress business cards, letterpress cards, letterpress save the dates cards, letterpress stationery, letterpress tags, letterpress wedding invitations

Christmas in July letterpress promotion – free shipping!

Our Christmas in July letterpress promotion is already available on FPS! We thought a lot about a good promo offer for this Christmas in July and there’s really nothing like a “free shipping” promotion.

christmas in july letterpress

Shipping and mainly shipping fees are always a big problem, especially since we mostly sell abroad. We’ve even had times when the shipping fees were higher than our items’ prices! We’re always searching for the best shipping options, but we can only do so much. Well this time around, a whole month of Free Shipping for our Christmas in July letterpress promotion is the absolute best option!

Take this opportunity to stock up on your letterpress business cards and tags, coasters and stationery! If you’re preparing for your wedding, this is the best time to be thinking of your letterpress wedding set (letterpress invitations, envelopes, RSVP cards, menus, accommodation cards etc.) as you won’t have to worry about shipping fees!

As i was saying above, our Christmas in July letterpress promotion is already active, so go ahead and throw us a challenge! We also have a bunch of ink colors to choose from (ranging from deep black, various blue shades, green, red, yellow, magenta, orange, brown, even the metallic copper-gold i was showing you last time), so you can definitely use your imagination with this one!

If you like our Christmas in July letterpress promotion, please share the news and spread the word! Thank you!

The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!


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