It was definitely time to put together a New Year’s resolutions post. I have so many plans for this year, both major and little things as well! Really, there’s a very wide range here: from buying hand sanitizer to getting a house! Now that’s a fair idea of the wide range of goals i was talking about.
Oh well, let’s see if we can put together a list:
* Turn hobby into actual business. I don’t think this needs further explaining. It’s going to be a dream come true!
* Get a house. Another “dream come true” thing.
* Visit more of Romania. Though it’s going to be difficult because of the other major goals, but hey? Who knows? It might just work out.
* Get an eye surgery. Oh yeah, my sight is pretty bad, but surgery is possible, so i want to give it a try.
* Get braces put on. As it turns out, my eyes aren’t the only bad thing about me. Also, it’s never too late for braces. Basically, if you want something, go for it!
* Create wedding sets designs, have samples made, get them photographed and listed. I have so many ideas, but so little time. Also, it’s quite difficult and expensive too to have letterpress samples made. But it must be done either way.
* I kind of gave up on the number of sales goal because more and more sales are coming directly through mail and i can’t keep up. As for the letterpress shop, actually most of the sales are done through mail. So basically what i’m trying to say here is that i need to organize the sales somehow.
* Get hand sanitizer and thermal water. I so need these!
* Get better at taking photos. I’m so struggling with this! I even considered having a professional take photos for my items, but it’s driving me crazy that i can’t, so i keep trying…
* Get back into sports. Last year i did great at this, so i must pick it up again. Sports combined with a mere 10 minutes round of meditation. I never thought it would do me so much good!
* Read more. There are soooo many books i want to read and my new toy makes it possible for me to have access to all of them. I have a new Kindle and i love it! Currently reading: “The Da Vinci code”.
* Cook more. I think i always write this as part of my goals. The lack of free time is really killing me, but i’m doing my best here.
* Stop taking everything to heart. This has been my problem for as long as i can remember. I let stupid things (and people) get me down. Must stop caring so much.
* Celebrate birthdays. I have a problem remembering birthdays; i would really forget my own if other people didn’t remind me of it.
Weeeell maybe i should stop for now. I think there are a mot more, but there’s always next Wednesday, right? That’s about it with my New Year’s resolutions for this Wednesday.
Until then, take care!!
The Funky Studio team wishes you, as always, a colorful day!
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